Friday, August 25, 2006

My Secret

I'm quite addicted to it, and on more occassions than one, I've pestered my friends to visit this blog:

Its a very honest and frank site, where people send in their secrets on a postcard and these postcards are published on the blog. New secrets get posted every sunday.
I've found it to be hilarious, sad, thought provoking, heart rending, night marish, comforting - all at the same time. Reminds me that I'm not alone in this world. I may have my share of problems, but there are people who have worse problems and worse secrets than I do, and they are learning to cope with them. Gives me strength. Teaches me to let go and to have patience (both of which are lessons that are much needed). Most importantly, reaffirms that whatever today may bring, there's a tomorrow, if only I want it.
Why does sharing a secret make it more bearable? I guess its the thought that now that the secret is out in the open, the consequences can finally be faced and the burden of hiding it is off one's shoulder. And perhaps also because the confession acts as a filter - there will always be people who will stand by you even after your secret is out, the others will slip away.
What makes this blog unique is the compassion - no one is mocked at. We're living in a less than perfect world and and while everyone is busy celebrating heroes or berating villians, no one pauses to consider the souls tormented by secrets - big or small, people who have made mistakes in life and are trying to deal with them and their consequences. For once, here is someone who's willing to just listen and not pass a judgement, if only you'll reach out. There have been more instances than I've bothered to keep track of, when I've identified myself with the secrets posted here. And I'm sure there are others out there like me, who have too. Many of them reach out and share their experiences and how they've dealt with their secret. And there are others who didn't know how to, but have found solace in knowing that there is at least one other person in the world who's going through the same upheaval they are.
Anyone who is interested in understanding human nature and the intricacies of the maze that is the human mind would find this blog to be of immense value. The postcards have surprising insights to offer. And many boundaries are crossed in the process, for issues that one has ignored for long - consciously or otherwise, are thrust in one's face. Needless to say, this can be pretty unsettling for those with a weak stomach, and I stongly recommend that those who fall in that category should stay away from this site. For he that can take whatever life dishes out, read on!